Dear Mark, What are your thoughts on New Year’s resolutions? I have never been a big fan but I have had one hell of a year and I don’t like how my life is going. I think it’s time to make some big changes. My boyfriend cheated on me so I cheated on him back...

Hi Mark, I recently found out about the show, Issues over the rainbow on 93.1 and saw your name on the website. I was hoping you could give me some advice as to what to do or atleast point me in the right direction. My name is Mike and I’m 28 years old fairly new...

I have this friend who I think is becoming addicted to those online hook-up sites. We ran into each other recently and I asked him what he’d been up to the weekend prior as I hadn’t seen him or heard from him. He said he’d stayed in all weekend chatting on his computer with guys...

Hello, im not sure if you can help me, but i hope you can. my name is eddie and i have been seeing a guy for 8 months now. im 24, hes 33. the age isnt the problem. before i got to the “point”, hes the sweetest most caring man i have ever met, 🙂...

I am writing to you because I heard your show recently. I am married to a wonderful woman and we’ve been together for 4 years. We have a beautiful 2 year old daughter and she is pregnant with our second child. My problem is that I am beginning to realize that I may be bisexual....

Dear Mark I’m in a love triangle and not sure what to do about it. I’ve been dating the same woman for over 9 months. We were both looking for a relationship when we met and sort of fell into one with each other. She had been in bad ones prior to me and mine...

Sexpert By Mark Rutherford LCSW   Dear Sexpert, My boyfriend and I just broke up after being together for almost three years. We were really good friends before we started dating, and about three months after we started sleeping together, he moved in with me. We had a very good relationship, got along great, rarely...

Well mark heres my groups delema We are in western high school and we cant get the news about our gsa’s about its called (UNITY) Well we are in a very homophobic school. things arent like terribly bad but they could use a make over (like a shannel make over) do you have any idea...

My job does not allow me to be out, by that I mean I work for a very major company, and the guys I work seem to really dislike gays.  They have no clue about me but it really hurts when I dont have the guts to say FU dude I am one of these...

QuestionMark? #105   Dear Mark,  I am married to a wonderful woman and we’ve been together for four years.   We have a beautiful 2 year old daughter and she is pregnant with our second child.  My problem is that I’m beginning to realize I may be bisexual.  I have never acted out on it...