Dear Dr. Rutherford, I found your name listed in the Sexpert coulumn in MEN magazine, offering help, so I’m ask for it now. I have a very unusual problem I will just bet you have never heard before. I am a 52-year-old gay near-virgin trying to find a partner for a long-term relationship. How did...

Dear Dr. Rutherford, I found your name listed in the Sexpert coulumn in MEN magazine, offering help, so I’m ask for it now. I have a very unusual problem I will just bet you have never heard before. I am a 52-year-old gay near-virgin trying to find a partner for a long-term relationship. How did...

Dear Sexpert, My boyfriend and I just broke up after being together for almost three years. We were really good friends before we started dating, and about three months after we started sleeping together, he moved in with me. We had a very good relationship, got along great, rarely ever fought, and enjoyed each other’s...

  Dear Sexpert: I have a question that I probably already know the answer for, but here goes anyway.  What kind of safe sex can you have with a guy is HIV+, if you are HIV-.  I never bareback, so hopefully that part is covered, but my question concerns oral.  I am a very oral...

We hope you will have time to answer this email: Recently, we saw some hot cum eating and kissing scenes in a new MSR video. While the action was incredibly sexy, we were surprised to see this action portrayed in a video. It seemed irresponsible and hypocritical at the same time because after one guy...

Dear SEXPERT: I am 55 years old and back in the single life again. Its a whole different world now and with internet connections and chat rooms I feel that I live in a different time. In 1989 my first lover died of AIDS. We were together for many years. As I watched him Muscular body...

Doc- I was a bit surprised when i read your SEXPERT article in the December issue of Men magazine.  First, 13 inches is a mamoth dick but guys like me who enjoy them are out here. Clearly the person who wrote in to you is not looking/or finding the right people.  There is so much...

I have a boyfriend who keeps telling me that honesty is the most important thing in a relationship. He says he would leave me if I ever lied to him. And that’s the problem. He asked me point blank one night if I ever slept with this guy (I’ll call him Larry) that he has...

Hi Mark- I have read your column in “Men” for awhile now and almost always find your advice to be very sound.I am a 45 year old gay man living here in Philadelphia.I am very fit,attractive,successful,have great friends and family and am very comfortable with being gay (aside from the eternal internalized homophobia which is...

Dear Mark Recently, I was in a group scene with my partner.  There were a total of about five guys in all.  For some reason, as it began, I began to get uncomfortable.  I think it may have been that I wasn’t attracted to one of the guys.  I asked my partner to leave with...