I was a bit surprised when i read your SEXPERT article in the December issue of Men magazine. First, 13 inches is a mamoth dick but guys like me who enjoy them are out here. Clearly the person who wrote in to you is not looking/or finding the right people. There is so much more to do with that than take it up the ass.
The Bigcocksociety has a few listings for ppl in my general area, but when i sent an email to one i got an email error right away… So i struggle with the opposite of what the writer suffers from. I have trouble finding them!
If he is in my area ( Chicago-land ), please send him my email. 🙂 🙂
Thanks, I enjoy your articles.
Hey Len, Good to hear from you and thanks for writing in. You and a number of other guys who like men who are well endowed have written me. I can’t give you much information on the bigcocksociety. I have been told they have an online site with regional listings. Maybe that will work for you.
When all else fails, I say put your interests out there. If you have an online personal. Include that you’d love a guy with a big cock. There’s no shame in that. People joke about “size queens” but think of it this way….they are royalty and enjoy getting serviced by the best. 🙂
Happy Hunting and Have a great day!! Take Care, Mark